Ramadhan Learning through Playing? Surf It!
FITK NEWS – Every year most of parents must strive to have better Ramadhan than last year for their children’s spiritual pedagogy development. To celebrate Ramadhan 1437 H this year, they do not need to be worried. Why? because the students getting involved in Association of International Class Program Student (AICS) and the students of Early Childhood Teacher Education Department (PGRA) of FITK UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang had creatively designed tons of meaningful activities for kids in Ramadhan Learning through Playing program.
Started from June 13rd to 24th, 2016 with a relatively brief preparation, they familiarized kids with tangible kiddy programs. The kids from various educational backgrounds joyfully engaged the activities of reciting al-Qur’an, memorizing verses of al-Qur’an, doing jama’ah prayer, delivering religious speech and interpreting al-Qur’an for children.
Besides, the participants were scheduled to have watching movie, doing outdoor class activity, playing games, painting, coloring, and telling Islamic stories. “We would like to embody the spirit of Islam in constructing brighter generations and civilizations through memorable experiences,” Alfiana Yuli Elfiyanti, M.A the Head of ICP FITK UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang nicely said
Prior to ending the program, the students of AICS and PGRA emboldened kids to have competitive awareness. They held Ramadhan competition such as reciting short surah, painting calligraphy, singing, religious speech delivery, designing Idul Fitri card, story telling, and many more. “Simply said that children can challenge themselves and competition is our way to measure the children’s progress on this program,” Rico Supriadi, one of AICS members told (dw)
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