FITK Equipped New Bachelors with Self-Motivation and Passion
FITK NEWS – Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training (FITK) of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang innovatively socialized the workplace in a rapidly changing era to the new bachelors. Held in Microteaching building 2nd floor (17/3), the event was designed like a motivation training.
Dr. H. Nur Ali, M.Pd admitted that motivation can affect cognitive, psychology and behavioral engagement of the students. By knowing the concept of personality development, the students’ demeanors to adjust with the workforce environment can be trained. “Graduation is not only about tossing the students’ graduation caps in the air but also preparing their interpersonal skills and commitments to work best,” Nur Ali said
The-two-hour-agenda widely attracted the new bachelors to explore their awareness on personality development for the workplace competition. The motivator Dr. Hj. Like Raskova Oktaberline, M.Ed led the students to joyfully understand the strategies on how to boost their personality for bright career. By using attractive video and songs, the students were cheerful and followed the explanations well.
As an alumnus of Monash University, Like Raskova stated that strong personality is built through the ethics of appearance, business and communication. “Best attitudes can influence an organization’s ability in negotiating the interests and manage the relationships within teams, or with main customers,” she said
Related to the socialization of workforce, Ghulam Nurul Wildan, one of the college grads opined that workforce agenda was necessary. “We usually tend to be less-confident with the new zone. Due to this meaningful celebration, we are motivated to build our self-confidence before facing the workforce,” Ghulam Nurul Wildan, a new bachelor said.
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